My Foray Into Food Storage

A regular gal learning about Food Storage, Home Cooking, Canning, Gardening, and more!

Mason Jars: A Love Affair


I love Mason Jars.  Why?  I have no idea!  I just do.  I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but I use a lot of Mason Jars to store food in my pantry.  See?  Here are just a few of the many jars I use all over my home:


I found some of these Mason jars on Goodwill's auction website, and I just LOVE them!

I found some of these Mason jars on Goodwill’s auction website, and I just LOVE them!  I can’t pick just one favorite, but I can narrow it down to two: my gallon Mason jars and my blue Mason jars.  They are so unique and fun!


So, it’s only natural that I needed this cute set of measuring cups when I found it online.


These adorable measuring cups are sold by Cost Plus World Market, and apparnetly, they are very popular!  Most stores were sold out.  As luck would have it, I was able to find one set in my local store.

These adorable measuring cups are sold by Cost Plus World Market, and apparently, they are very popular! Most stores were sold out. As luck would have it, I was able to find one set in my local store.


These fun measuring cups stack to form a Mason jar, or they can be "disassembled" and used as measuring cups.

These fun measuring cups stack to form a Mason jar, or they can be “disassembled” and used as measuring cups.


Of course, I haven't used them as measuring cups yet, because I just like looking at them.

Of course, I haven’t used them as measuring cups yet, because I just like looking at them.


I know they will break in the next major earthquake, so I hope we don’t have one for a really long time!  Of course, there are other benefits to no major earthquakes…


So, I love being surrounded by my Mason jars and my Mason jar measuring cups.  Not as much as I love my family, but I love them a whole lot.

So, I love being surrounded by my Mason jars and my Mason jar measuring cups. Not as much as I love my family, but I love them a whole lot.


People are much more important than things, but I can still really enjoy fun things like this as long as I keep that in perspective.

Is there anything you *LOVE* as much as I love my Mason jars?

Author: Laurie Nguyen

I am a happily married, stay at home mom with four sons, ages 24, 22, 18, and 14. I'm not a professional blogger, and I'm certainly not a foodie or a chef. But I like food, so I think I'm qualified to write about my own life experience with food. Want to be a little more prepared for the unexpected? Check out my Food Storage Blog, Have a question about Food Storage? Email me:

38 thoughts on “Mason Jars: A Love Affair

  1. Laurie, Stater Brothers has blue canning jars.


    • I have some of the regular pint size blue canning jars and am looking for the green ones Ball is making as this year’s “seasonal” color. Do you know if they’re on sale at Stater Bros?


  2. I love mason jars too! And anything cute to keep food in. I keep a separate set of plates and bowls and cups and jars so that I can use just for food photography. lol


  3. Laurie, I like to use mason jars for storage like you. In fact, I’m using mason jars to store meals; soups, pancake mix, pasta meals, cookie recipes etc. I’ll be posting recipes on my blog very soon. It’s been crazy with getting the garden established the last couple of months but I’ve got results and everything is coming up and I’m SO excited.


  4. I love mason jars also Laurie! I use mine to store meals; pancake mix, biscuits and gravy, soups, pasta meals etc. I also use mason jars for regular storage as you do for dry ingredients, beans and such. I’ll have to check out Stater Brothers myself thanks for posting Jennette!


  5. I love them too! I fill them with all kinds of things and love the cute little tiny ones.


  6. I love them too, what a great thing to post on! We even keep dog treats in a jar 🙂 Over the past year I’ve started buying Weck jars and love them, they’re so cute somehow. Your measuring cups are great, I had not seem those before.


  7. Mason Jars are awesome and practical. I’m not a collector because I can’t do clutter but I could get in to Mason Jars!


  8. I love jars too! I store many foods in them. I use them to hold iced tea while out and about with the silly top. I shake up my salad dressings in them. I put homemade puddings and other treats in them…. So many possibilities. I am going to look for these measuring cups now!


  9. I thought I was the only one…lol


  10. Those are so cool! Do they come in other colors?


  11. I love mason jars too! I usually use them instead of zip-lock or Tupperware containers (no mismatched lid collection, no yucky plastic, yay!) I also sometimes use them as measuring cups and drinking glasses.


  12. I l.o.v.e. Mason jars as well and store all dry goods in them. I simply like the look of them all lined up on my pantry shelf waiting to be of service. Whether it pours wet or dry, or comes wrapped in separate pouches, after I’ve opened a package of crackers, everything goes into my Mason jars. Don’t talk plastic; I’m not a fan except for freezing. These babies are uniform and are my friends.
    Wonderful post! ❤ ~(*_*)~~


  13. I have a huge collection, love to store things in them because I hate Plastic. Like jars and bottles with swing tops, too. Kombucha and home made sodas are easy to bottle in Grolsch style bottles. The measuring cups are cute, but i tend to stay away from unit-tasker style kitchen equipment. Kitchen is too small for lots of counter-dwelling objects.


  14. I use mason jars for everything I can. Now I am making emergency beeswax candles in them. Beeswax cleans the air. Put a book of matches under the cap and close it up. I love the half gallon jars the most.


  15. Wow super cute! I’ve never seen these measuring cups before!


  16. Only new to the world of Mason jars, but I fully understand how addictive they could become!


  17. Those are awesome! I especially love the older ones, and the measuring cup stackable jar is so cute!


  18. I love mason jars too! They’re so simple and practical, but their style is just classic. Love the measuring cups!


  19. I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds joy and beauty in things like Mason Jars. Why keep boxes of cereal when jars are lovely and keep the cereal fresher. We should sooo have a fan club!


  20. That is very neat & I love mason jars but love my redneck wine glass best of the ones I have.
    My current love & collecting is scarves! I need some with greens in them


  21. A VERY cool idea. Give me an idea for for my wife’s next Christmas gift.


  22. Beautiful jars that´s for sure, the problem is that if I used them being so clumsy I don´t think they would last too long in my house. I need plastic ones.


  23. I also really enjoy Mason jars. I use them to store snacks, spices, and even package my products in them. Want to get my hands on a few vintage ones


  24. That measuring cup set is really pretty. I love that shade of blue, and I can understand why you haven’t used them yet. 🙂


  25. Yes, I love mason jars too. They are the perfect “lunch pail” too! The only thing that won’t leak!


  26. Adorable! I must have them! I also am obsessed with Mason jars! We use them a lot at our cottage and I’ve posted about them a few times as well. This past summer I made 3 pendant lights for the kitchen out of them and they turned out amazing!


  27. I NEED this! 🙂 Ball sells cute blue and green lids/rings now too! I make soap dispensers out of my extra mason jars.


  28. I’m a little late to the party here. I love mason jars too. One corner of my countertop is loaded with mason jars of all sizes used for storing any and everything! Great post.


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