My Foray Into Food Storage

A regular gal learning about Food Storage, Home Cooking, Canning, Gardening, and more!

Yay for New Pans! Yuck to cleaning the cupboards to make them fit…


Now, what does cleaning my cupboards have to do with Food Storage?  Well, without some organizational system, I cannot find the pan I need when I need to use it!  And I made it worse by buying some new bake ware! After almost 25 years of marriage,  it was time. I bought some of my old pans at the dollar store (when dollar stores first came on the scene, and they had some pretty incredible stuff) maybe 20 years ago. Many were worn from years of use.


Being a frugal gal (not cheap, there’s a difference. I will pay for quality.), I didn’t set out to replace all my pans at once. The thought first entered my mind when I had problems making some quick bread for a friend’s son’s wedding reception. No matter what I did (using Pam, greasing the pan liberally), I couldn’t get the loaves out in one piece. It was frustrating to say the least. Then and there, I decided that I needed a couple of nonstick loaf pans.


I did a lot of research and decided that I wanted heavy-duty, commercial bakery type pans. I’d narrowed it down to two brands: USA Pan and Chicago Metallic. Both have great reviews, so I bit the bullet and bought a couple of larger non-stick loaf pans.  I bought 10 inch x5 inch USA Pans (you can view one here).  They make the perfect size bread loaf for my family.




After falling in love with them, I bought some USA Pan and Chicago Metallic mini loaf pans (with an Amazon gift card I earned through And aren’t they lovely?? Especially compared to my old pans which were looking pretty sad. See?  (I sprayed them with non-stick spray, and the pans are so non-stick without the spray, I’m not sure I needed it.)  Think those look snazzy?  Check them out here and here on Amazon!




Today, I made chocolate chip pumpkin bread to break them in (recipe here). The loaves came out of the pan so easily! I’m very happy!  (And my boys are begging me to cut the pumpkin bread!)




I’m also very happy, because I cleaned out my kitchen cupboards and got rid of some old things which were gathering dust. Take a look at my organized cupboards now!!





I didn’t take before shots, but trust me, it’s a major improvement! And isn’t that life? A constant rearranging and reorganization of everything.  Not just my kitchen, but my everything!  And I wouldn’t have it any other way.  It keeps things fresh.  Life is a work in progress, and I love it!


How about things for you? Any kitchen pans or gadgets you want to add to your inventory? Or is there a closet, cupboard, or storage area that needs your attention? Please share!



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Laurel Laurie Staten Nguyen Newhall, CA

Author: Laurie Nguyen

I am a happily married, stay at home mom with four sons, ages 24, 22, 18, and 14. I'm not a professional blogger, and I'm certainly not a foodie or a chef. But I like food, so I think I'm qualified to write about my own life experience with food. Want to be a little more prepared for the unexpected? Check out my Food Storage Blog, Have a question about Food Storage? Email me:

11 thoughts on “Yay for New Pans! Yuck to cleaning the cupboards to make them fit…

  1. My favorite loaf pan is an old OVENEX pan I got for $1.00 at an estate sale.


  2. ha! it’s happened to me as well

    Have a great Friday / weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As I get older, I truly believe in only getting the best – when I buy a pot I don’t ever want to have to buy the same pot for the rest of my life. Same for knives(but that’s another story), ANY kitchen tools. Just like you buying the heaviest commercial loaf pans. As for the cheapo mistakes of youth – recycle them please – after offering them first to the 20-somes in ones life.

    But moreover I view my kitchen as an organized and complex toolbox. There is a functional place for everything.
    If there’s something you can’t immediately find, then attend to the places you first look for it. Maybe that is where it belongs. Things are too crowded? Do a functional assessment and toss anything you have not used in over a year. Anything that is used rarely should either be tossed or stored in a further off shelf or cupboard. I also find that the organization is a work in progress. There will always be areas that seem to be out of kilter – and if so they need a more rigorous analysis and treatment.
    Be religious about where you keep stuff, and anything out of place (by your other kitchen users not so attuned to your logic) quietly but back in place. Maintain that kitchen peace.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve got some of those USA pans, and no question, they are the best out there. I had no problem pitching the old stuff. They don’t stack (nest) well, because of the thick walls, so I put pieces of muslin (cut with pinking shears) between them.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Last spring I cleaned out kitchen cupboards and bought a few new things. Even now with my cupboards in a little disaray they are still more organized then when I was overloaded with the newest gadgets. I don’t cook much any more, just me and my daughter at home and both work odd hours, so the least used items are pushed back handy but out of the way. Anyway it is a good feeling to get things in order. Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. We’re getting a new puppy tomorrow and felt we needed to do some cleaning (it’s like having a baby again). It was a dreaded task that we really did not want to do but needed to.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: New, Improved, Super Easy Homemade White Bread! | My Foray Into Food Storage

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