My Foray Into Food Storage

A regular gal learning about Food Storage, Home Cooking, Canning, Gardening, and more!



I am a happily married, stay at home mom with four sons, ages 27, 25, 21, and 17. I’m not a professional blogger, and I’m certainly not a foodie, chef, etc. But I like food, so I think I’m qualified to write about my own life experience with food.  I hope you’ll join me in my foray into food storage.

Have a question about Food Storage? Or do you represent a company interested in having me review your product or sponsor a giveaway?  Email me:


** An Important Disclosure **

Some of my posts may contain affiliate links.  An affiliate link is a link to another website, and that website will pay a commission to me if you purchase something.  You will pay the same price to the merchant whether or not you use my link.  It does not affect your price.  If you’re uncomfortable with using an affiliate link, just visit the website directly and skip the link.  Thanks!





Laurel Laurie Staten Nguyen Newhall, CA

345 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you so much for following my blog, Laurie. I’m fairly new to blogging here, and when someone follows my blogs, it is so encouraging. You have some interesting info about food here, and I plan to come back. Thanks again. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! If you accept this award, just follow this link:

    It’s a way for bloggers to show appreciation to other bloggers.


  3. Pingback: Orangey Marmaladey Goodness! | My Foray Into Food Storage

  4. Hi Laurie, thanks so much for following our blog ‘From Ethiopia, with love’ we really appreciate it. I’m enjoying looking around your site. Thank you!


  5. Hi! I enjoy reading your blog. I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award. 🙂


  6. Hello! Thank you so much for following and liking our blog. It’s very encouraging! We’re still relatively new to all this, but looking forward to learning more from other people’s blogs, like yours!


  7. Pingback: The Final Ground Beef Dish From My 20 Pound Stash, And It Can Be A Freezer Meal! | My Foray Into Food Storage

  8. Pingback: Makin’ Marmalade Again: Some Canning Tips And Tricks | My Foray Into Food Storage

  9. Hello! Thank you for following my blog! I was surprised to see someone actually devoting a whole blog to preserving food. You see, as I grew up in the Soviet Union, making preserves was as as usual a thing as ordering pizza or eating at McDonald’s here in the U.S. Jams, fruit juices, salads, pickles, marinading all kinds of veggies, preserving herbs without drying, preserving meats and fish by marinading or drying, ans so on – imagination was the limit. So, good luck on your way to exploring and implementing food preservation!


  10. Hi! I’ve nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger award and Dragon Loyalty award. Please visit my blog for next steps if you choose to accept. Thanks!


  11. Thank you for stopping by my blog and following me!


  12. Pingback: Maybe It’s Time To Invest In Some Good Mini Loaf Pans… | My Foray Into Food Storage

  13. Thanks for stopping by, Laura. Good info on your blog. I’m pretty strict with fresh food, buy only what I need in the next day or two. But I also have my stash of go-to prepared and stored items.


  14. Thanks for following my blog, Laurie. truly appreciated! Being new to this whole thing I am truly loving the blog community.

    Love your blog and ideas. I need to keep coming back for ideas since cooking for only 2 people usually leads to a lot of leftovers.


  15. Hello,
    Thank you for the follow! You have an interesting blog, and seem to be a “food Storage” expert. I will definitely check back here for more tips and advice. Have a wonderful day!! 😀


  16. Thanks for visiting my blog. (I sure wish I had some affiliate links!)


  17. Hi!
    I just wanted to let you know that I really like your blog and I nominated you for a blogger award called the Versatile Blogger Award. Hope you decide to participate and share some of the blogs that you wish to encourage to keep writing. Click here for more info


  18. Hi Laurie, thanks for following my blog ‘Just Mee(ta)’. Am fairly new to blogging myself. Am gonna come back and check your entire blog soon, as a sneak peak into it is very interesting.


  19. Pingback: Best Whole Grain Dinner Rolls Ever! | My Foray Into Food Storage

  20. Thank you for the follow! And I am reciprocating, love your blog. I too have had a love affair with Mason 😉


  21. Pingback: Super Easy, Super YUMMY Garlic Alfredo Sauce! | My Foray Into Food Storage

  22. Hello Laurie,

    I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award (but I see you’ve already been nominated before!).

    Participation is optional, but if you do want to participate here is the link to find out more:

    Hope you decide to take part. If you choose to participate then post the award badge on your blog, share seven things about yourself and nominate 15 other bloggers.



  23. Pingback: Super Simple Potato Soup… And A Giveaway! | My Foray Into Food Storage

  24. Hi, I have nominated you for “Sunshine Award”. If you are interested to participate then visit


  25. Hello and Thank you for following my blog. Not perfect but fun:) Have a nice day.


  26. Thanks for following my blog! I hope you will find it interesting and fun to read with useful information from the northwest corner of Vermont!


  27. Pingback: Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! | My Foray Into Food Storage

  28. Pingback: How Hard Can It Be To Seal Food In A Mylar Bag For Long Term Storage? | My Foray Into Food Storage

  29. Pingback: Grain Mills – A Primer (So You Can Save Money While Eating More Delicious & Nutritious Food) | My Foray Into Food Storage

  30. Hi Laurie 🙂 Thank you so much for following my WordPress Wild Cottage blog. It’s in fact the WordPress version of a much older blog I have over on Blogger… – There are a load more posts on there about free food and canning/storage for winter and so on…
    Love your blog too – will stay on touch !
    Sláinte, Amanda


  31. Hi, and a belated ‘thank-you’ for stopping by and following my blog! Wow, food storage–I’m super impressed and I admire what you’re doing. I am woefully unprepared for an emergency, and hope to learn some things from you! Thanks~


  32. Hi Laurie, Thanks for the follow!!


  33. I have nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award. 🙂 Come check out the details here:
    Best! Kristina


  34. Hello! I have nominated you both the Wonderful Team Member Award and also the Quintet of Radiance award. You can accept either the Wonderful Team Award or the Quintet one or you can accept both! For more information, check out my post here:


  35. Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog! I can’t wait to read your posts. I love gardening, and I have been wanting to learn about canning for years!


  36. Pingback: I Have A Super Power: Speed Cooking | My Foray Into Food Storage

  37. Hey there, thanks so so much for the follow! Your blog looks really interesting, and the foods pics are making my mouth water 🙂


  38. Thank you so much for following my blog! Your blogs seems so interesting, and it I feel like it might give me a lot of useful information. 🙂


  39. Hi there,
    I have nominated you for a Versatile Blogger award –
    I love your blog and thought you deserved it.
    All you now have to do if you want to accept is write a short post and nominate up to 15 people and in the post say 7 things about yourself. Also acknowledge the person who nominated you!
    Keep up the great work.


  40. Dear friend,
    I truly appreciate your support and encouragement. I take this opportunity to nominate you for ‘Dragons loyalty award’
    Please check the link for details:

    Look forward to your continued support.
    – Chitra Jagadish


  41. Hi! Thanks so much for following my blog! I love all things food! 🙂 Keep up the great work! 🙂 🙂


  42. Thanks for the visit. Good luck with your blog.


  43. Pingback: Yay for New Pans! Yuck to cleaning the cupboards to make them fit… | My Foray Into Food Storage

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