My Foray Into Food Storage

A regular gal learning about Food Storage, Home Cooking, Canning, Gardening, and more!



I am a happily married, stay at home mom with four sons, ages 27, 25, 21, and 17. I’m not a professional blogger, and I’m certainly not a foodie, chef, etc. But I like food, so I think I’m qualified to write about my own life experience with food.  I hope you’ll join me in my foray into food storage.

Have a question about Food Storage? Or do you represent a company interested in having me review your product or sponsor a giveaway?  Email me:


** An Important Disclosure **

Some of my posts may contain affiliate links.  An affiliate link is a link to another website, and that website will pay a commission to me if you purchase something.  You will pay the same price to the merchant whether or not you use my link.  It does not affect your price.  If you’re uncomfortable with using an affiliate link, just visit the website directly and skip the link.  Thanks!





Laurel Laurie Staten Nguyen Newhall, CA

345 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for following blog!


  2. Thank you for the follow! My blog is still very new, so I truly appreciate the support! 🙂


  3. Thank you for following my blog! Your blog looks great! I’m a terrible cook, so I’ll be paying attention to your recipes : )


  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking what I wrote. Best of luck with yours.


  5. Hi, thanks so much for following my blog. I really like your approach to food: you enjoy it and invest your own time and energy in its choice, prep and storage, but you’re not crazy-lady about it. Yay, you…


  6. Thank you for following Writing Well Design and Photography, my attempt to better myself in that arena. You may also enjoy 50Figment. I look forward to learning more from you. Cheers!


  7. Thank you so much for following my blog. You sound like you have a great time with all your projects around the kitchen. I wish I had the time for that. Thanks for all the cool tips.


  8. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. My lemons are going to be a while in the making now after my latest “discovery” 🙂


  9. It would seem that we have many common goals/interests… welcome to my blog and look forward to reading yours!


  10. Thanks so much for the follow!! Looking forward to reading your posts.


  11. Hi Laurie:

    Thank you so much for stopping by today. You have much to offer on your site here, and I will check in often. I luv to learn more about your topic. Thanks again.


  12. Thanks very much for the visit and for following my blog. I am looking forward to reciprocating.
    Great to meet you


  13. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog and deciding to follow it. I really appreciate it. Will be checking out your blog too.


  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am looking forward to reading yours.


  15. Thanks for following my blog. I’m not a foodie blogger, but I have a special interest in food. After reading a glimpse about yours, I like what I found. Nice to meet you, Laurie.


  16. Thanks for following my robot blog. I have one question: do you have any idea who Sebastian Nguyen is?

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Hi Laurie, thank you for visiting my blog. I am author and new to blogging. Living in a Forest but still clearing enough land for a garden, I’ve been canning for 50 years now. You’re never to old to learn. What you are doing is way past wonderful. Send me an email. I’d like to chat with you. Arlene Switzer Flynn


  18. Thanks for following my blog, Yours is an interesting blog, I like the emphasis you place on proper storage of food.


  19. Thanks for following my blog. I will be checking yours out regularly as well. I do food preservation and maintain a pantry at all times. Looking forward to learning from you! Take care, Begonia


  20. Thanks for visiting, hope you enjoyed your stay and come back soon!


  21. Thanks for the ‘like’ of “Melane’s Apple Pie Rules”. I too plan to stop by to check out more of your posts.


  22. Hello Laurie, thank you for following by my blog! I’m just a beginner in a blogosphere yet, so it’s so exciting to know that someone actually reads and even likes what I wrote! 🙂 I was also glad to find your site! I really like your style, ideas, approach and I look forward to trying your recipes! All the best! Yana


  23. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and having a look. Seems we have a lot of food loves in common. Good luck with the writing. Shonah


  24. Hi Laurie — thanks so much for following my blog That Comeback Season. I hope you enjoy the excerpts from the book as well as other stuff I’ll be posting in the coming months. Yesterday was my first day up so I’m especially pleased that you found me. Be well and come back often as I intend to post regularly. John


  25. Hi Lauri thanks for stopping by and liking my recipes. I enjoyed reading your site and I’ll be back soon to read more. THank you.


  26. Thanks for following my blog. I hope you find my search for my family interesting and informative. I will check out your blog as well.


  27. Thanks for the follow, nice to meet you online 🙂


  28. Thanks for following my blog. I see you have a lot of interesting ideas on yours and I look forward to reading your posts. I hope mine can be of use to you and your family.


  29. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope you enjoyed what you read.


  30. Hi! Thanks for the follow. I’m really interested to see what secrets you may have here! We are new to canning, and haven’t killed ourselves with anything we ate so far, which I consider a success. Hopeful to learn a few tips from you! 🙂


  31. Hi Lauri, Many thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and in particular for deciding to follow. 🙂 After reading your “About” page I take my hat off to you, mother to so many, wife and blogger I can relate to how busy life can be, and yet here you have found the time to share a very informative blog. I wish you well with it all. 🙂


  32. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I look forward to reading through your blog.


  33. Pingback: Hmm… What To Do, What To Do? Help Me And There’s A Prize In It For Ya! | My Foray Into Food Storage

  34. Hello, Laurie. I’m Cheryl from Artzzle. I hope you enjoyed my blog. I’m not much of a cook, but I like to look at what others are making. The animation site looks interesting too. Thanks for following.


  35. Pingback: Everything You Always Wanted To Know, But Were Afraid To Ask… | My Foray Into Food Storage

  36. Thanks for following my blog, Laurie. I have a feeling that exploring your blog is going to make me hungry! I’ve lived in the same house for three years and have never turned on the oven, but I like really good food and I have at least one post (“The Cheesecake”) about culinary catastrophes.


  37. Sounds like me have a lot in common, im very glad to have met you.


  38. Pingback: A Winner! And A LOT of Work! | My Foray Into Food Storage

  39. Thanks for the follow. I’ll certainly be keeping an eye on your posts – sounds like we could have some common ground!


  40. Thanks for stopping by and following Jeddah Blog. Your cinnamon rolls look delicious!


  41. I know we just “met,” out here in the blogosphere, but I really am enjoying your posts and wanted you to know that because I find your blog simply wonderful, I have put you up for one or two awards (you can accept one, both, or neither, LOL); The Sunshine Award and the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. All the information you need is over at I absolutely get it if you have so much going on that you don’t post, but wanted you to know that I really enjoy your posts, and wanted to share them with my readers, as well.


  42. Hi! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! If you accept this award, just follow this link:
    It’s a way for bloggers to show appreciation to other bloggers. Congrats!


  43. Pingback: The Butterfly Light Awardees | flavorcrazed

  44. Hi there! Thanks so much for the follow on my blog! 🙂 Your posts on food storage is very useful, thanks!


  45. Thank you for the follow! I’m new to blogging, and appreciate the support! You’re posts are a really interesting read 🙂


  46. Thank you for following my blog. 🙂 Yours looks quite interesting! My Grandmother was a farmer that grew and canned lots of food, and stored it in her cellar. My favorite was her yellow string beans, and I really miss the beans, and her. I remember getting to play with the leftover wax when she was finished canning a big batch of food! Good luck on your blog. 🙂


  47. Thank you for your follow!


  48. Pingback: What’s A Gal To Do With 20 Pounds of Ground Beef? | My Foray Into Food Storage

  49. I live out in the country, so a well-stocked pantry is a “must” since groceries are along drive away. I wish I could store onions better, for one thing. The last one or two on the shelf seem to go soft.


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